Blue ridge

Seattle, WA

Full-Home Furnishing, Basement Remodel (Laundry, Mudroom, Hallway, and Basement Bathroom)

Design Aesthetic: Northwest Prep

Photography by: Kara Mercer

Completed in 2023

Blue Ridge – Laundry & Mud Room: “Other Room”, 3rd Place – NKBA Puget Sound Awards 2024

Blue Ridge – Laundry & Mud Room: “Best Before and After” – NKBA Puget Sound Awards 2024

With a love for everything colorful and no fear of wallpaper, we worked with our clients to create a home design that bridged their very different personal aesthetics; his was more contemporary northwest with touches of undersea and natural elements, while hers was East-coast prep with hints of her Japanese heritage.

By using locally sourced wood, crafted into custom furniture pieces and shelving units by our talented carpenter, as well as commissioned art pieces from PNW artists, we ultimately designed a space that is as unique and delightful as our clients, while still remaining cohesive thanks to a consistent color palette and bespoke matching accents that are spread throughout the home.